Working and Working Holiday Visa for Swiss Citizens in Australia

MP Alex Hawke or see details below or go to the Website of the Swiss Embassy Canberra

The flyer Trainee Exchange for Young Professionals Switzerland-Australia (PDF, 331.2 kB) for Australian employers informs you about the possibilities of getting some young Swissness in to your company.

The State Secretariat for Migration has published an informative brochure outlining the procedure for Swiss applicants

Ein Berufspraktikum in Australien

Stage professionnel en Australie                     

The Australian Embassy in Berlin has published information on the Switzerland trainee exchange for Swiss nationals wishing to go to Australia as trainees and for Australian employers wishing to participate in the trainee exchange.

Applications can be handed in to the State Secretariat for Migration in Berne, Switzerland (Australian employers send their Statutory Declararation to the Australian Department for Employment).

Martin Scarpino